A Parliament of Owls. Flash Fiction by Jem Weaver

You were stood t here hanging from the window. The big goodbye. The sweetness of goodbye. Oh what delicious pain. Would Lao Tzu have sanctioned this level of feeling between two humans? He or she or they would probably smirk and say, “Bless their little hearts, that wounded pair, weaving their way ab out the dusty streets.” Who do they think they are? How dare they b e in love. The question I have dear all of you everywhere, be it under the stairs or sat in a chair or in your lonely comfortable lair. Is distraction a good idea? Really? Is distraction synonymous with entertainment? And another question I would love to ask is – do you think Art distracts you, entertains you, informs you, feeds you, heals you? And if so, why do so me pay nothing at all for it and why do some pay everything for it. And, b y the way. What is IT? Is IT what turns you on? How do you know when you ar e turned on or off these days? When one stands on an empty city street at midnight not a car passes in the city centre’s main thoroughfare bridging south to north and oh yes for at least 3 minutes, there isn’t a sound but the blinking of the traffic lights and she says, oh well, another day is done’. Oh well. Oh Well. All will be well. All manner of things will be well. We will be well. For the “I ” in “illness” is Isolation and the “W ” in “Wellness” is “We”. Thank you for the focus dear Agnes Obel whoever you are you got me out of my head and into my heart.
Jem Weaver writes and wonders if it is all just a flash in the pan.

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